Can I File a Premises Liability Claim for Negligent Security?
If you were injured or your property was damaged because of failed security, you might be able to file a premises liability claim for the resulting damages. Whether you are at home, at the mall, or a friend’s apartment, on most premises you should be granted a certain degree ...
If you were recently injured in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligent or careless actions, one of the first calls you might receive ...
Do You Know the 15 Most Common Vehicle Defects of 2017?
In a recent study conducted by The Safety Institute, the top 15 most common vehicle defects were revealed. Vehicle defects can be extremely hazardous ...
Study Reveals that Nursing Staff Agencies Hire Unqualified In-Home Caregivers
A study that was conducted by Northwestern University and published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society revealed shocking trends in the ...
Crash Avoidance Technology That Really Works - And Those That Don't
The future of automobiles promises safer roads for everyone through the introduction of smarter cars and better safety features. But just how genuine ...
Thanksgiving: One of the Deadliest Days to Be on the Road This Year
Countless Americans look forward to Thanksgiving every November as one of the happiest days of the year. While endless families across the nation are ...
Can the Music I Listen to Affect My Driving Habits?
Many of us like to listen to our favorite songs while we are driving. In fact, research has shown that playing your favorite music in the car improves ...
Premises liability cases usually deal with injuries sustained on a person’s property. Premises liability law states that a property owner has a duty ...